All your questions about men's belts answered

All your questions about men's belts answered

The more customers we talk to the more questions we get and have ourselves so we created a single page that has every single question and the best answer we could come up with. We are open to any critique or feedback that would improve these answers. For each question we may also include YOKU's position on the question and links to further reading

How is a high quality leather in a belt designed to last more sustainable than a cheap belt?


A high quality leather belt is typically more durable and longer lasting than a cheap belt made of lower quality materials. As a result, it will need to be replaced less frequently, which can be considered more sustainable from an environmental perspective. Higher quality leather is also often more resistant to wear and tear, which can further extend its lifespan. Additionally, some high quality leather belts are made with environmentally-conscious practices, such as using leather from sustainable sources or implementing energy-efficient production processes.


YOKU has made very deliberate decisions around design, materials and construction to produce the longest lasting belt we think can be made. Read more about our commitment to building the longest lasting belt here


How long does a cheap leather belt last? 

The lifespan of a cheap leather belt can vary greatly depending on the quality of the materials and construction, as well as how it is used and cared for. Some cheap leather belts may only last a few months or a year with regular use, while others may last several years. In general, however, cheap leather belts are likely to be less durable and shorter-lasting than belts made of higher quality materials. It's worth investing in a higher quality belt if you want something that will last longer and hold up better over time.

YOKU believes that cheap is not really cheap, that a belt should last you or the person you're buying it for a lifetime. 


Who makes the best quality leather belt straps? 

There are many companies that produce high quality leather belt straps, and it can be difficult to determine which one is the "best." Some factors to consider when looking for a high quality leather belt strap include the type of leather used (full grain leather is typically the highest quality), the thickness and durability of the leather, the construction and stitching of the belt, and the reputation of the manufacturer. Some well-known brands that produce high quality leather belts include RM Williams and Gucci but it's not enough to just to use high quality leather straps when making a high quality belt. 

At YOKU we redesigned the belt entirely from scratch. Read about our commitment to design here. TO COME



Which country makes the best quality leather for belts?

There are many countries that produce high quality leather for belts, and it can be difficult to determine which one is the "best." Some of the countries that are known for producing high quality leather include Italy, France, and the United States. These countries have long histories of leather production and are home to many skilled craftsmen and tanneries that produce top-notch leather. That being said, there are also many other countries that produce high quality leather, and it's important to consider the specific characteristics and features of the leather, rather than just the country of origin, when evaluating its quality.


If you talk to leather wholesalers like we have done at YOKU the ansawer that consistently comes back is that Italy is renowned for having the best 'belting leather'. Currently we use only Italian, full grain leather in our belts for this reason.


What are the different types of leather and which type is best suited to a long lasting mens belt?

There are several different types of leather, and the type that is best suited for a long lasting men's belt will depend on a variety of factors, including the intended use of the belt, personal preference, and budget. Here are a few common types of leather:

  1. Full grain leather: This is the highest quality type of leather and is made from the top layer of the hide, which has not been sanded, buffed, or altered in any way. Full grain leather is durable, breathable, and develops a patina over time, which gives it a unique, aged look.
  2. Top grain leather: This is a step down from full grain leather and is made from the second layer of the hide. It has been sanded and buffed to remove imperfections, and a finish has been applied to the surface. Top grain leather is more resistant to stains and scratches than full grain leather, but it is not as breathable and may not develop a patina.
  3. Corrected grain leather: This type of leather is made from the lower layers of the hide and has been sanded and buffed to remove imperfections. A finish is then applied to the surface to give it a uniform appearance. Corrected grain leather is the most affordable type of leather, but it is also the least durable and may not age as well as full grain or top grain leather.

In general, full grain leather is the best type of leather for a long lasting men's belt because it is the most durable and will develop a unique patina over time. Top grain leather is also a good option, and corrected grain leather may be suitable for less expensive belts that will not see as much wear and tear.



Are non-leather belt options sustainable? 

Non-leather belt options can be more sustainable in some cases, depending on the materials used and how they are produced. For example, belts made from natural materials such as cotton, hemp, or jute may be more sustainable than leather belts because they are biodegradable and do not require the use of harsh chemicals in the tanning process. Synthetic materials such as polyester or nylon may also be more sustainable in some cases, depending on how they are produced and their impact on the environment. It's important to consider the full lifecycle of a product, including its materials, production, use, and disposal, when evaluating its sustainability. 

At YOKU we currently use the highest quality full grain leather but are open to exploring other materials in the future that will bring down the price point for some YOKU belts to make it more affordable. This may sound counter intuitive for an affluent brand like YOKU but our commitment to sustainability trumps our desire to build a luxury brand. If only the top 1% of people can afford our belts our ability to reduce the belts sold each year by selling belts that last a lifetime is greatly impacted. Read more about our mission here TO COME


Why are designer belts so expensive?

Designer belts can be expensive for a number of reasons. One reason is that they are often made with high quality materials, such as full grain leather, which are more expensive to produce. Designer belts may also be made with attention to detail and craftsmanship, with careful construction and finishing techniques that contribute to their cost. In addition, designer belts often carry a prestige and exclusivity that can make them more desirable and therefore more expensive. Finally, designer brands often have higher overhead costs and marketing expenses, which can contribute to the high price of their products.

Whilst at YOKU we celebrate great designs, materials and craftsmanship all 3 of these things can be done without the premium you pay for the prestige and exclusivity which is all achieved through high cost marketing which you pay for.

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